Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers: 

The men and youth (boys and girls) of the parish serve on the altar assisting the celebrant (priest) as he offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  It is a privilege to stand on holy ground and serve in this ministry.  If you would like more information on how to get involved in this ministry, contact the Coordinator, Michael Burton, (870) 834-8002.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (at Mass and to the Sick): 

Extraordinary Ministers assist the priest at Mass during Communion, either by distributing the Sacred Hosts when the number of persons at Mass warrant this, or by distributing the Precious Blood from a chalice.  Extraordinary Ministers also bring Holy Communion to our sick and/or homebound parishioners, as well as Catholics in our nearby nursing homes.  This ministry is vital to the life of the parish and its people, as our pastor has two parishes which makes it impossible for him to minister to all on his own.  For more information on how to be part of this important ministry, contact the Coordinator, Cheryl Walsh, (501) 412-0644.



The Lectors proclaim the word of God from Scripture during Mass.  If you are not afraid to speak in front of crowds, maybe this ministry is for you.  Please contact the Coordinator, Teri Taylor, (870) 847-2112, for more information on how you can become a Lector.


Music Ministry: 

The Music Ministry provides the music for all liturgical services in the parish.  Rose Brandenburg is in charge of this ministry and always welcomes new members to share their talent, either by joining the choir or playing a musical instrument.  If you can carry a tune, or play an instrument, please consider joining this ministry.  Please contact Rose, (870) 994-2744, for more information.



The role of the Sacristan is to assist the pastor in preparing the altar for Mass with all the necessary linens and sacred vessels needed.  At the weekday Mass, most of the men who serve as Sacristan also serve at that Mass as an Altar Server (though this is not required).  If you would like more information on this ministry and all it involves, please contact the Coordinator, Matt Winston, (870) 257-2857.



Ushers give the first, and sometimes lasting, impression to newcomers and visitors when coming to our parish.  Therefore they should be someone who finds it easy to extend a warm smile to a visitor, a helping hand to the elderly, and helpful advice to those seeking it.  Ushers are there to greet everyone as they enter church, assist you in finding a seat, help newcomers or visitors find the restrooms, pass the collection basket, and wish you a blessed day as you leave while putting a parish bulletin in your hand.  If this sounds like a ministry you’d like to be part of, please call Coordinator, Pat Such, (870) 847-7224, for more information.